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Black Bean Patty




  • 4 cups cooked black beans (or 2 15-oz cans of black beans, drained and rinsed) 

  • ¾ cups uncooked oats 

  • 2 eggs 

  • ½ cup of carrots, grated or thinly chopped 

  • ½ medium onion, chopped (or ½ tablespoon of onion powder) 

  • 1 tablespoons vegetable oil of choice  

  • Salt and pepper, to taste  

  • Recommended spices: chili powder, cumin, mustard, any other that you enjoy! 


Sauté the onions in oil, on medium low heat, for about 5 minutes or until they begin to soften. Add the carrots, and spices of choice and cook on low for 5 more minutes. In a bowl, whip the eggs. Mash the beans in a separate large bowl with a potato masher and mix in the sautéed veggies, whipped eggs and oats. Add salt and pepper to taste. With slightly wet palms, form 6 patties. To bake: Place patties on a baking sheet and bake at 400°F (204°C) for 10 minutes on each side, 20 minutes total. To grill: Place patties on greased aluminum foil and grill 8 minutes on each side. Note that heat temperature is personal preference as all grills differ. Generally, black bean burgers should grill on medium-high heat about 350°F (177°C) – 400°F (204°C). 


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