Matching Gift:
Double your money! Your company may match your gift to Project Open Hand. It is a terrific way to increase your contribution and your impact in our community. Please take a moment to check with your Human Resources website or department to see if your company has a matching gift program. Click here to see a partial list of companies that match employee gifts.
Companies and Foundations:
Project Open Hand would love to work with your corporation, company, business, or foundation to create a mutually beneficial partnership. Click here to learn more.
Combined Federal Campaign:
As a federal or city employee, you can support Project Open Hand through your department’s annual Combined Federal Campaign or Combined Charities Campaign (October-December). Click here to learn more.
United Way:
You can make a contribution to Project Open Hand at your workplace through the United Way. Simply write in Project Open Hand and our account number 9258780 in the form from the United Way and your donation will be deducted from your paycheck.